
每年, 索莱伯里学校的数学系和科学系颂扬科学领域, 技术, 工程, 通过举办stem相关活动来学习数学, 活动, 以及演讲嘉宾. 这一周的目的不仅是让整个学校都参与到这些课程中来, 还能激发人们对stem相关职业的思考. 老年人: 如果你对追求潜力感兴趣 高级项目 与我们的任何STEM嘉宾,请跟进 数学系主任布雷塔·米尔克斯 or 科学系主任Cari Nelson说.


Matt Zisk P'24 他最初的职业生涯是化学教授和专家证人. After attending law school he became a patent litigator 和 patent prosecutor for a fortune 25 pharmaceutical company. 马特向学生们解释什么是专利, 获得一个的过程, 并展示了一些独特而有趣的专利. He also explained the importance of finding a mentor to help throughout college 和 every step of your career.


肯·巴伦,23岁 从事金融工作,给学生们讲过股票市场是如何运作的. 他谈到投资股票市场, 驱动股价的因素是什么, 以及政府政策如何帮助或损害市场. Ken reviewed how the 2016 election affected the stock market 和 had students take part in an activity pretending to be investors during the election. 学生们做出了预测,然后回顾了2016年的实际结果. He ended his presentation explaining how to get involved in investing 和 how material learned in various math classes can be applied in the real world.

与生物系学生一起参加活动的还有有机蔬菜农场主, 迈克Tholis. 迈克讨论了大规模农业与小规模当地农业的区别, 展示不同种植技术的图片. He then took the class out to the garden to get their h和s dirty examining three different soil types. 一些勇敢的学生甚至品尝了不同的土壤. Mike explained what conditions work best for growing vegetables 和 brought radish seeds 和 lettuce for students to plant in the Abbe garden. 

托姆里士满 和 拉塞尔•戴维斯 are state-licensed paramedic-firefighters with over 60 years of emergency services experience between them. 现在在索莱伯里学校的设施组工作, 他们作为志愿急救消防员保护着我们的社区和周边地区的安全. They showed students the firetruck that is housed on campus 和 共享 their experiences as first responders 和 the training that is required for the job. 汤姆目前是中央雄鹿SRT/SWAT的护理人员,也是安全主管 & 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的保安. 他是北安普顿镇消防救援的退休营长. Russell is currently an active firefighter/EMT with the New Hope Eagle Fire company 和 a retired career firefighter in Newtown Township. 



韦恩·福勒, 他是一名退休的空军飞行员,现在为达美航空公司飞行, 解释飞行的机制, 成为飞行员的过程, 并分享了一段他在离心机里的有趣视频. The students peppered him with questions 和 learned a good deal about the benefits of a career as a pilot, 你的身体在飞行中会发生什么, 以及电影是否 壮志凌云 是真实的.

斯蒂芬妮·邓巴 is VP 和 Head of Statistical 科学s 和 Analytics at AbbVie where she oversees 300 statisticians. She discussed the process of designing clinical trials to show if a drug works 和 the different phases of trials. 她还解释了主要品牌药和仿制药之间的发展差异. 

生物和解剖课上有 Eva Karkas, 1975年他是一位民族植物学家. 伊娃解释说,民族植物学是植物和人之间的相互关系. 她读了她今年夏天出版的关于可持续发展的书中的一段. The class enjoyed the fresh 和 fragrant lavender 和 rose hips she brought to aid in her discussion about nutraceuticals. Eva taught herself Latin to aid in her plant education 和 went on to receive a bachelor's in ethnobotany. 她住在East Amwell的River Bend农场,在那里她经营着高端园艺业务, 乡村园丁. 


迈克McMenamin她是一位野生生物学家.S. 鱼 & 野生动物执法官员,一直对户外活动和动物充满热情. 他分享 what it's like to coordinate patrols 和 rescues 和 talked about a few of the animals he works with regularly. He explained how radio telemetry is used to track movements 和 specific migratory routes 和 demonstrated that as the receiver gets closer to the transmitter, 蜂鸣声越来越大,这意味着戴着发射器的动物就在附近. 迈克还带来了海龟壳供学生们检查,以及一只用来捕捉偷猎者的诱饵火鸡. 

作为波科诺有机食品的全国销售经理, 戴夫·麦克莱恩 works with store owners from all over the world to teach them about the exciting regenerative organic products grown 和 produced at the farm. 林赛·麦克莱恩 在Pocono有机市场和咖啡馆担任行政总厨,并出现在第20季 切碎在那里,她被加冕为切碎冠军. 在全校的周会上, 戴夫和琳赛就再生有机物做了一个很有见地的演讲, sharing that Pocono Organics received the first regenerative organic certification (ROC) in the U.S. 拥有世界上最高的温室. ROC农场和产品符合世界土壤健康的最高标准, 动物福利, 以及农场工人的公平. 戴夫和琳赛分享了有机食品的好处, 土壤和泥土的区别, 以及保持土壤健康对环境的重要性. 

大会前, Chemistry students were treated to a lesson with Dave 和 Lindsey on food science 和 learned how to make their own pumpkin-spiced ice cream. They saw the difference in how high-quality cream looks from what they buy in the store 和 learned about the effects of salt on the temperature of water. (提示——它使冰更冷,但同时也使冰融化. 我们需要一个化学家来解决这个问题).



Dr. Linda Chaille-Arnold P'20 has been an ER Physician for 15 years at Temple University Hospital's Episcopal campus in the Kensington neighborhood of North Philadelphia. 她分享了照片, x射线, 以及CAT扫描作为各种感染的例子, 受伤, 还有她每天都能见到的疾病. Linda 和 the hospital's staff have been the front lines for the care 和 treatment for COVID-19 in this community since the beginning of the p和emic, 她看到病人和工作人员在与这种疾病作斗争时都面临着严峻的挑战. She explained that Temple University Hospitals were one of the largest participants in the phase three trials of the Johnson & 约翰逊疫苗,他们仍在报告数据作为这一过程的一部分. Before ending her presentation she 共享 with students that there are various paths to medical school 和 it doesn't have to be a straight line through a pre-med undergraduate degree. 

克里斯汀约翰逊 是一名环境工程师. She talked to students about some of her past projects including the design of water filters in Honduras, 她在卡特里娜飓风后作为设计工程师的工作, 在哥斯达黎加担任音乐节可持续发展顾问, 帮助各个社区在灾后重建. 她带领学生们进行了减少洪水风险措施和应急反应的练习, 让他们在三种类型的回答中选择. 克里斯汀还讨论了她最近申请医学院分享, “如果你的职业道路不是一条直线,你可以做出改变.”  

你几乎可以在任何领域找到成功的索伯里校友,STEM领域也不例外. 三位年轻的校友加入了学生的行列: 迈克尔 Glass’17Matt和Susan (Huang) Keefe ' 14 (现在已经结婚了),他们分享了你实现目标的重要见解和建议. 马特是博士.D. 加州大学旧金山分校的候选人, 他在哪里研究如何再生人体自身的细胞来治疗疾病. 他分享, “每一天你都必须决定你是否要做艰苦的工作, 或者如果你想放松的话. 我不成功,因为我聪明. 我成功是因为我努力工作.” Susan is completing her schooling to be an oral maxillofacial surgeon 和 encouraged the students to have faith in themselves, 尤其是女性和有色人种学生. 迈克尔, 谁正在攻读数据分析硕士学位, 建议学生积累经验, 追求实习, 抓住机会. “重要的不是你上的是哪所学校,而是你在学校里做了什么.“他们三人还鼓励我们的学生利用索伯里大学提供的资源, 注意到他们的老师, 尤其是布雷塔, 像高级项目这样的机会会让你走向成功.



Dr. 艾琳·萨尔茨曼,医学博士 是内分泌学、糖尿病和新陈代谢专家吗. She talked with a packed room of students about her path to becoming a doctor 和 how she chose her specialization. “你必须了解自己——你的长处和短处. 我喜欢和人交往,想从事预防医学. 我想教人们保持健康.“内分泌学是研究激素的学科. 从脑垂体到性腺, 以及介于两者之间的一切, 人体的大部分都有内分泌系统. 这个系统的疾病和失衡会引起一系列的症状, 作为学生从信息和图形的视觉学习. Dr. Saltzman also presented an in-depth look at the causes 和 mechanics of diabetes 和 the evolution of the treatment of the disease. 

学生们有另一个机会与STEM领域的校友交谈 迈克尔 Glass’17, Carlos Lewis Miller, 16岁Zonia Rueda '15. 他们讨论了他们在索伯里的STEM经历, 从高中过渡到大学的小贴士, 以及他们目前在做什么. 卡洛斯, who is returning to Case Western University as a Project Manager for their study on the Genetics of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease in Minority Populations, 共享, “利用你的顾问,因为他们真的关心你,真心希望你成功. Treasure the council 和 relationships at Solebury because it takes a lot of time 和 effort to find mentors.Zonia目前在多伊尔斯敦的制药行业从事质量保证工作, PA, 并监督J&J. 她建议学生们:“不仅在大学里,在工作中也要玩这个游戏. 抓住机会,与人交往. 学会推销你的品牌和你是一个怎样的人."

每年, 在STEM周的最后一天,索利伯里学校将举行全校范围的STEM活动. 学生, 教师, staff lined up shoulder to shoulder then fingertip to fingertip to see how long each line would stretch across campus. 整个星期,数学课都在收集数据,以预测每一行的结束位置. Congratulations to AP Calc BC on the correct shoulder prediction 和 Prealgebra for their fingertip prediction!